Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Red Bugs or Red Skin?

I notice frequently that there are ladybugs in my bathroom. Of course, we've all heard how ladybugs are good luck, so I never shoo them away. They don't bother me....I don't bother them. So, today I decided to look up a few ladybug myths. I didn't realize there were so many. I found this site and if you scroll down, you can read all sorts of ladybug superstitions from all over the world. Why can't a ladybug mean luck? It sounds good to me.

Also, here is a tip that I recently read:
"You should moisturize your skin after a hot shower, within 3 minutes of getting out of the shower. That is when your skin is most acceptable to the qualities of the lotion to lock in the moisture."

This made sense, but I had never thought about it. I often use lotion, but sometimes don't get around to it until after I've done the hair or make-up. Since I read this, I've been moisturizing as soon as I towel off and I have definitely noticed a difference in my skin! It's not drying out like it normally does. Of course, if you tend to have dry skin, you'll want a good lotion. I've been using Moisture Therapy by Avon. It's affordable and really works. I always thought it was too "heavy", but since I've been using it straight out of the shower, my skin soaks up the lotion and it leaves it feeling soft...not greasy.

That's my thoughts for the day. =)

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