Monday, November 22, 2010


Tori is the niece of my sweet friend, Jennifer. She was bad accident on Saturday evening/Sunday morning. One of her friends didn't make it. Tori is still in the ICU and making improvements. She is a fighter! Help give her strength through prayer! Stay strong, Tori!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's Shutterfly Time!

*Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All the Way....."

Are you feeling the holiday stress yet? Just walking into the store this time of year, we're reminded that CHRISTMAS is coming!!!! If your ready or not...the count down begins! I love this time of year, although I admit, I wish I had a little more time to prepare this year.

We did get something checked off the list last week....FAMILY PICTURES! I'm so excited to see the finished products. This is our first family picture with Nicholas. He wasn't so cooperative, so I'm hoping we at least got one or two cute shots. *crossing my fingers*

One of the greatest holiday time savers (especially for Christmas cards) is SHUTTERFLY! If you haven't had the chance to use their services, you're missing out. They do a wonderful job and have fabulous customer service! You can order photo prints, photo books, cards, calendars...the list goes on and on. Last year, we ordered our holiday cards through Shutterfly and they turned out so cute!! They have adorable Christmas photo cards this year! I'm so excited to make our card this year and Shutterfly makes it a super easy and pain free process. You simply choose your favorite card format and upload your photo of choice. I love receiving Christmas photos in the mail from my family and friends. They go straight to my refrigerator where I can enjoy seeing all those cute smiley faces!

And if you're still trying to come up with Christmas ideas....who wouldn't love a wall calendar filled with pictures of your cutie pie??! It's a great idea!

Of course, those of you who will procrastinate and miss out on sending your annual Christmas Cards.......Shutterfly even has NEW YEARS CARDS!

I'm sure you'll love Shutterfly as much as I do! Happy Holidays!