Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My new Find!!!

Today, I stumbled across a wonderful thing......the school library!!!! Yep!!! Who knew the campus library was my sanctuary? It's full of adults, studying in peace and quiet . . . yep, peace and quiet!!! I had no idea. I've been struggling to get studying done all semester and who knew, all I needed was to head to the library. Of course, this depends on having Nicholas taken care of, but it's definitely something I need to do more often.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hoppy Easter Everybunny!

Wow, I was super impressed with Nicholas's egg hunting abilities, considering he didn't practice! LOL! Today we went to church with my parents, ate Easter lunch and then Nicholas participated in the egg hunt. He seemed to know exactly what to do, for the most part. Of course, his big sister helped him hold the basket, to keep his hands free. He did seem a little confused that his sister wanted him to "put them in the basket", while he wanted to play with them....which, I think is why he kept looking for more.....LOL! After about 10 minutes of that, he was d-o-n-e with that game! All in all, it was a wonderful Easter, surrounded by people we love.

This is a big month for ME! I'm turning 30! The beginning of our festivities will actually be the weekend before my birthday. We're headed to Dallas. Baby will stay with grandparents and we're going out for an adult, dinner, drinks, hotel.....nice! Then, the following weekend, I'm kicking it old school with a slumber party. I was really hoping everyone would get all into it and come stay the night, drink and not worry about driving. But, it seems like there are alot of people who can't stay the night for various reasons.....oh well! It'll be fun, either way! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to it! Then, at some point, I'll be going out to my mom's for her homemade spaghetti...mmmmmmmmm....MY FAV!

Well, thats all for now......I just started watching True Blood and I have an episode ready to begin.

Ta-Ta for now.