Thursday, February 18, 2010

Index cards are my new BFF!

I feel so incognito lately, because all I do is study, study, study! The semester has really take off and it seems like every week I have a test...and sometimes TWO! I'm working very hard at not just "passing" but making GOOD grades. The nursing program is so competitive. I need everything I can on my side to get in. After this semester, I have one more ahead of me, before I can apply for the nursing program. Of course, you don't always get in on the first try, so I'll just keep trying. It actually works nicely, because meanwhile, I can be home with my baby boy. Once I get into the nursing program, Mister Mister here is going to have to go to a daycare/preschool program...OUCH! He won't like that. It'll be pretty rough on ALL of us, but that is the future. Right now, I'm focusing on the present.

My sewing class is also going well. I only have two more classes. During the last class, we made a tissue holder. It's a tissue holder for the mini tissue packs, that you carry in your purse or car, etc. I was giggling that I was soooooo nervous, but it came out good. I'm really hoping to keep up with sewing and learn even more. It would be nice to also be able to teach Joy.

Nicholas is doing great. He is almost solidly walking. If he falls, he even stands back up and starts walking again. Crawling is rare. He now only has one bottle when he wakes up and one bottle before bed time. Other than that, he drinks from his sippy cup during the day. He has gotten to a point where he WILL NOT let me feed him. So, we've pretty much done away with any sort of cereals, etc. He is strictly on table/finger foods. He loves a good grilled cheese...but HATES scrambled eggs. lol =) He has his one year check-up in the morning, so I'm anxious to see how much my little chubby boy weighs.

Joy is doing well. Her birthday is next Friday (2/26) and we originally had plans to camp out in Austin at their new Ren Fest with a group of friends. However, it looks like the weather might be raining that weekend and alot of people have backed out for all sorts of reasons. Sooooooo, I think we're headed to Galveston for the day. Joy wants to eat at the Rainforest Cafe and of course, we all LOVE the beach. It'll be nice to get out of town....especially to our favorite Texas spot.

Oh, hubby and I finally found a bar that we really enjoy together. It's called Downtown Uncorked and it's in Downtown Bryan. We love the atmosphere in downtown Bryan anyways, but this bar is very's a wine bar, but they do carry some beers (thank goodness for hubby!). I've also found a favorite wine and mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....yeah, I can have too much fun there for sure! Sunday they are having a jazz player there and I think we're going to pop in for a drink. I'm excited! It does me and hubby good to get out of the house for an hour or two together. We're doing good with our New Years Resolution, to do something together at least once a month. It's definitely made us a little closer, which is extra nice, because lately we're on such different schedules.

Well, that's my update. Nothing too exciting to report....but that's a good thing!

Ta-ta for now,


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