Monday, March 8, 2010

A Vow & An Appreciation

Today I vowed to never text while driving, because of THIS story. Please take the time to read this and consider. It's so that e-mail, call or text worth YOUR life or someone else's life? When you put it like that, it's a no brainer. Please consider taking this vow with me.

On a different note, I've come to a new appreciation of motherhood this week. For those that know me, you know what I'm going through right now. And I've always believed that there is a reason for everything. You learn one lesson today, that you use later down the road. It's all one large path that we each walk everyday. I've always loved being a mom. I've been one for as long as I can really remember. I practically grew up being a mother, but I suddenly realized the feeling of being a MOTHER. When you have to trust in your skills and lessons that you've taught your child and send them into the world to learn more. It's scary....but suddenly, I realize what this means. I'm meant to lead my children, like all of us mothers are. All we can do is our best, and just recently, after a humiliating experience....I realized that I do just that! I've done my best. I will continue to do so, but it's brought a new feeling in my heart. It's scary, but promising at the same time.

I love my children. I love being their mom.

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